Upcoming Events

 The following is a list of potential group activities being planned for Chapter members. Some of the events are awaiting confirmation of exact dates and times by event hosts. Updates will be provided as they become available. 

Wooden Canoe Heritage Association
Annual Assembly
July 15 – 20, 2024  
Paul Smith's, New York State 

Dates for the 46th annual WCHA Assembly have been confirmed. Wooden canoe enthusiasts from all over the USA, Canada, and a few other countries are set to converge at Paul Smith’s College in New York State on July 15 through July 20th. The event runs from Tuesday evening through Sunday morning, and includes classes on canoe paddling , construction and restoration, camp crafts, and lots of paddling opportunities on the beautiful adjacent Adirondack lakes.  The theme this year is "Motorized Canoes". 

Additional information with registration and programming details to be be released.


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