Member Profiles: Rob Stevens

I am Rob Stevens, a lifelong resident of the “Hammer” (Hamilton, Ontario). My early canoe paddling and tripping experiences were at YMCA camp and through Scouts Canada (Cub, Scout, Venture).

My interest in wood working led to paddle carving and later, canoe building and restoration. I had met some local canoe restorers at a Fall Fair, then took an introductory course with Roger Foster at Carlisle Canoe;  

I also build wanigans (canoe tripping kitchen boxes) and dabble in knife-making (initially my interest was in crooked knives, used for building birchbark canoes).

I have been a member of the WCHA for 25 years. Our family, Mary and two daughters have attended the WCHA Annual Assembly for most of those years. You could say our kids grew up attending “canoe camp” every summer, and meeting lots of American friends.

I served 2 terms (6 years) on the WCHA Board. For the past 13 years, I have been the Program Coordinator for the Annual Assembly. If you don’t know what this event is, or have never attended, please check out the programs, photos and video at; .

Having participated in a variety of Ontario canoe events, I am excited about the possibilities for more group get togethers and paddling outings with the renewed energy contributed by Murat and Alex, among others.

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