2024 Rideau Paddlefest

Members of the Northern Lakes Chapter participated in the Rideau Paddlefest which took place on the waterfront in Smith's Falls, Ontario on June 15, 2024. The annual event is hosted by the Rideau Roundtable  which focuses on the environmental, historical and cultural significance of the Rideau Canal Waterway and its respective watershed. Special thanks to member Lee B  for coordinating our booth and Mike for taking the following pictures.

Voyageur Canoe races were held in the morning followed by group tours of the Rideau...

The weather was pleasant but with a steady wind. This year the chapter shared a booth with the Ontario Recreational Canoeing And Kayaking Association

Members brought a variety of wooden canoes which were displayed prominently on the lawn and attracted much attention.

Lee, Tom C. and Jim M provided an on-water demonstration into Canadian-style paddling with member Neil B. providing narration on shore explaining the synchronized paddling techniques. 

Member James C brought a 17 foot Chestnut Guide sailing canoe and took advantage of the breeze to coast around waterway. James also let member Jim M take the sailing canoe for a spin...

Many thanks to all the members who were able to attend and represent the Northern Lakes Chapter of the WCHA. The next event is  the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association Annual Assembly taking place from July 16 – 21, 2024  at Paul Smith's, New York State.
